Requirements to travel with pets
In order to bring a domestic dog or cat into Uruguay, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the corresponding official body of the country (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries or other public body that may correspond at the time of traveling).
The certificate must contain the following:
- The animal is free of communicable diseases.
- Does not show clinical signs of any disease typical of its species.
- It is vaccinated against rabies (if he is more than 3 months old). The rabies vaccination must be done at least 30 days before the date of travelling, or a maximum of one year before the date mentioned.
Owner’s information
Full name
Residence full address
Pet’s information:
*Date of Birth
*Other particular signs.
- The certificate must mention the country of origin and the country of destination, and indicate that the animal was inspected 10 days prior to the date of traveling.
- The certificate must be signed by an official and with signature clarification.
The legalization of the aforementioned certificate is not required by the authorities; therefore, the Consulate does not intervene in this process.
In addition to these entry requirements, be aware of the boarding formalities, which may vary by country and airline.
For more information on entry requirements to Uruguay, please visit the website of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries:
or contact
Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Animal Health Division, Department of Control of International Trade:
Telephone: +598 2412 6338. Dr. Rosario Guerrero
For the introduction of any other domestic animal, it is necessary to consult the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries. Animal Health Directorate. Telephones: (005982) – 412 63 44. Fax: (005982) – 412 63 06. Email:,