Special thanks
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay.
- Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay.
- Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay.
- Uruguay XXI Institute.
- National Meat Institute (INAC).
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Saudi Food and Drug Authority of Saudi Arabia (SFDA).
- Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Montevideo, Uruguay.
- Administrative Commission of the Official Field of Uruguay (CAFO - Football Museum - Centenario Stadium).
- Mr. Diego Forlán.
- Mr. Santiago Ostolaza.
- Mr. Fernando Oliveri (portrait of Artigas).
- Master Sergio López Suárez (illustrations).
- Maestro Héctor Ulises Passarella (Bandoneon player).
- Uruguay Union for Rugby.
- To all Solcre staff for their understanding and technical support of our project.